Strategies and Policies
What are strategies?
Strategies are plans of action designed to achieve a long-term goal or aim. They feed into Long-term Plans and Annual Plans.
What are policies?
Policies are a statement of council's position on a matter or issue, or how a given issue is managed.
Policies ensure that actions undertaken day to day are aligned with the strategic direction of Council.
Community Vision and Engagement Policies
Finance Policies
- Credit Card Policy (PDF, 300KB)
- Financial Reserves Policy (PDF, 155.4KB)
- Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy (PDF, 370KB)
- Investment Policy (PDF, 450.9KB)
- Liability Management Policy (PDF, 159.9KB)
- Procurement Policy.pdf (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Protected Disclosures (Whistle Blowing) Policy (PDF, 231.2KB)
- Rating Policy (PDF, 319.6KB)
- Revenue and Financing Policy (PDF, 1.4MB)
- Risk Appetite Statement 2025.pdf (PDF, 545.4KB)
- Risk Management Policy.pdf (PDF, 3MB)
- Sensitive Expenditure Policy (PDF, 264.6KB)
- Staff Delegations Manual.pdf (PDF, 734.1KB)
Governance Policies
- Appointment and Remuneration of Directors Policy (PDF, 146.7KB)
- Community Board Standing Orders (PDF, 604.4KB)
- Council Code of Conduct (PDF, 222.8KB)
- Council Standing Orders (PDF, 657KB)
- Delegations Register.pdf (PDF, 612.9KB)
- Elected Members Allowances Policy (PDF, 173.1KB)
- Local Governance Statement (PDF, 607.6KB)
- Otago Triennial Agreement (PDF, 448.7KB)
- Pecuniary Interest Register (PDF, 116.2KB)
Libraries Policies
Parks Policies
- Camping Strategy (PDF, 824.7KB)
- Cemeteries Strategy (PDF, 1.3MB)
- Grass Verge Maintenance Policy.pdf (PDF, 155.2KB)
- Memorials Policy (PDF, 111.9KB)
- Open Spaces Naming Policy (PDF, 241.3KB)
- Smokefree Vapefree Policy (PDF, 241.7KB)
- Tree Policy (PDF, 905.1KB)
- Wilding Conifer Control Policy (PDF, 195.8KB)
Planning Policies
What are community-led strategies and reports
These documents are owned and maintained by the community.
Community-led strategies and reports
- Creative Communities Scheme Application Guide (PDF, 159.4KB)
- Central Otago Arts Strategy (PDF, 747.8KB)
- Museum Strategy (PDF, 4.9MB)
- Central Otago Heritage Strategic Plan (PDF, 257.2KB)
- Central Otago Outdoor Recreation Strategy (PDF, 3.3MB)
- Queenstown Lakes - Central Otago Sub-Regional Sport & Recreation Facility Strategy (PDF, 2.9MB)