Council maintains more than 1900 kilometres of roads in the Central Otago district - 1377km of gravel roads, 532km of sealed roads, 176 bridges and 151km of footpaths. State Highways are managed separately by the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA). Central Otago has a low volume roading network and of the 1751km of rural roads only 22km carry more than 1000 vehicles per day.
Funding for road maintenance comes from two sources - local rates and NZTA subsidies for specific work. NZTA funding is approved on a three-year cycle. Council has a Roading Hierarchy that lists the roads that we maintain and the standard for each road. The amount of work undertaken on each road is dependent on the hierarchy classification and the road condition.
See the Road closures and conditions page for current/upcoming road closures.